A Little About Me
I was first introduced to the world of sports and fitness as a teenager playing volleyball. After having my first child at age 21, I researched and tested many workout routines and nutrition plans over the years. It wasn’t until 2017 that I fell in love with health and fitness. I wasn’t a power lifter or pro lifter but I trained like I was. When my progress and results started showing, many friends and family started asking me how and what they should do to get results. I decided to help others by doing group training sessions at my church for all the women and youth girls who wanted to learn more about correct form, different training techniques, and nutritional advice. Afterwards, I got certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) with my Personal Training certification, Nutrition Coaching, and Weight Loss Specialization in 2019. Since then, I have continued to research and train my mind, body, and spirit. My motto is to always keep a positive mindset because your mind controls where your body and spirit goes.
NASM Certified Personal Trainer,
NASM Certified Nutrition Coach,
NASM Weight Loss Specialization,
Currently working on NASM
Group Personal Training