The Weight Loss Program is designed to help people seeking a healthier weight achieve their goals by making small, modest changes to their daily behaviors and forming sustainable, healthy habits. Rather than advocate for specific or restrictive short-term solutions, this program helps participants build skills for successful lifestyle changes and empowers them to self-design their action plans.
What Makes Our Program Different?
Three key characteristics differentiate the YMCA Weight Loss Program from other programs in the weight loss industry:
- It’s non-prescriptive. The program’s approach is to empower, encourage, and provide tools so that participants design their own plans to support their weight loss goals within the context of their lives.
- It uses the power of the group. The program is designed to harness the power of the group by encouraging group discussion, group learning, group sharing, and group problem-solving.
- It seeks to change the definition of weight loss. Every day, individuals face prescriptive messaging on how to lose weight (e.g., meal plans, diets, gym equipment, etc.)—messaging that has created the perception that weight loss can be achieved only by finding the answer or solution “out there.” The Weight Loss Program challenges this perception and is designed to help participants understand that they hold the answers within themselves to achieve their weight loss goals.
Because weight loss is unique to each person, this program focuses on helping individuals identify ways to make small, modest changes to their behavior within the context of their own lives and in support of their weight loss goals.
The tools provided during this program, along with the knowledge and support of the group, are used by participants to develop their own nutrition and exercise plans that work for them.
This program will introduce participants to behaviors that have been shown to lead to sustained weight loss, and help participants develop those behaviors in ways that fit into their personal lifestyles.
The Wight Loss Program includes:
- 12-week program that meets one time per week. Each weekly session is 60 minutes.
- Group-based sessions for like-minded motivation and support (12-16 people per group)
- Participant weigh-ins, food and physical activity tacking, and guided SMART goals setting each week
- Weekly discussion topics include creating a supportive environment, goal setting, balanced eating, physical activity, positive psychology, and sustainability
What happens during each weekly session?
Each week participants will weigh in, be introduced to a new topic relevant to weight loss, discuss as a group successes/challenges/suggestions around the weekly topic, and develop goals for the upcoming week. Topics covered during the program include nutrition, physical activity, stress and sleep, positive psychology, goal setting, and sustainability.
- Session 1: Get to know each other and yourself.
- Session 2: Get to know your environment
- Session 3: Goal setting
- Session 4: Putting it all together
- Session 5: Understanding food choices
- Session 6: Physical activity
- Session 7: Mindfulness
- Session 8: Positive psychology
- Session 9: Stress and sleep
- Session 10: All foods fit
- Session 11: Sustaining your progress
- Session 12: Celebrating your achievements
Qualifications to Participate
The program is designed for adults 18 years and older who desire a healthier weight. This program is not intended for individuals with specialized needs due to chronic disease or the onset of chronic disease.
How to Get Started
To start your journey, simply register online!
Program Fees
YMCA Members $65
Program Participants $75
Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns. We're here to help.