A Little About Me
While my love for running began in highschool, I got my first taste of the fitness world taking electives in Weight Training and Aerobic Fitness in college. After having my two sons, I went on a health journey and was able to lose 50lbs and create a more active lifestyle for me and my family. I decided to become a personal trainer to help empower others with strength and confidence in learning how to incorporate a more active lifestyle for themselves. I believe that everyone can find an activity that is enjoyable and promotes a desire to be active. I want to help people find what works best for them.
National Academy of Sports Medicine Personal Training
My Y Story
I was first drawn to the Y as a mom wanting to workout with young children. It's been a tremendous help for me to obtain and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I then started to participate as an employee in child watch before becoming a PT. Over the years I've been amazed at the numerous opportunities available to the community to both help them physically but also socially.