

Enhance®Fitness is geared toward older adults of all fitness levels. If you have a chronic condition, such as arthritis, you may be able to gain more strength and independence. You will feel energized—physically, mentally and socially—and be surrounded by people who care about your success.

The Facts Tell the Story

The evidence-based EnhanceFitness program has been nationally recognized as a safe and effective physical activity program for older adults by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Department of Health and Human Services, US Administration on Aging and the National Council on Aging.

Research has shown that among older adults who participate in EnhanceFitness, health costs were lowered by close to $1,000 and 9 out of 10 people stay with the program. In addition, 99 percent say they’d recommend the program to a friend.

The program benefits a wide range of adults because they are encouraged to move at their own pace. The program meets them where they are in terms of their physical ability and helps them gain strength, flexibility and balance.

The Enhance®Fitness program aims to:

  • More energy
  • Better balance
  • Increases in upper body and lower body strength
  • More flexibility and range of motion
  • Better sleep
  • More feelings of happiness
  • Sense of independence

Here's what to expect in the Enhance®Fitness:

  • Classes that meet three times per week for 60-minutes each.
  • Some people will be standing, some will be seated—and some will use the chairs to hold onto for support.
  • Participants move at a pace that’s comfortable for them.
  • The class focuses on strength, flexibility, movement and balance.
  • Participants will make friends who will support them and cheer them on.

EF chair


Qualifications to Participate

Enhance®Fitness is geared toward older adults of all fitness levels and those suffering from chronic conditions, such as arthritis.


How to Get Started

We always recommend that you discuss your workout plan with your health care provider. Once you’re ready to get started, you can register online and join the next session group!

Program Fees
YMCA Member: $103
Program Participant: $185

Register Now



Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns. We're here to help.


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Enhance Fitness Xpress

Are you interested in the benefits of Enhance Fitness but can't commit to the 12 weeks? We're excited to introduce you to Enhance Fitness Xpress, an invigorating 8-week program designed to promote health, vitality, and well-being among older adults.

Enhance Fitness, a low-cost, evidence-based group exercise and falls prevention program, helps older adults at all levels of fitness become more active, energized, and empowered to sustain independent lives. Enhance Fitness Xpress meets three times a week.

Program Fees
YMCA Member: $60    |    Program Participant: $80

Register Now


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