We are proud to work closely with the following Gaston County Organizations and municipalities to maximize our efforts within the community. Together we are sharing resources, information, and a passion for strengthening Gaston County.
Gaston County Community Health Assessment
Each year the Community Health Assessment Advisory Committee complies and shares their report. This report provides key data and strengths for our county so local and public health and healthcare entities, elected official, municipal partners, and human service organizations can take intentional steps to improve the health of our entire community.
One Gaston 2040
To engage county residents, businesses, and organizations in dialogue about their desires for the future of Gaston County and to use that dialogue, along with an examination of data and trends, to create a VISION for what Gaston County can achieve between today and 2040.
North Carolina Alliance of YMCAs
The Gaston County Family YMCA works closely with Ys throughout North Carolina to increase impact and advocate for the citizens on North Carolina. Learn more about the North Carolina Alliance of YMCAs.
The Gateway Gaston
The Gateway provides a single connection point to resources to address these and other human needs. The Gateway extends a hand-up and not just a hand-out to anyone in need.
Contact Sharon Padgett to discuss becoming a Community Partner | 704.824.1131