A Little About Me
My passion for fitness manifested its self early in life through competitive sports and during my time as a nationally ranked Division 1 student-athlete at NC State University. I seem to have a knack for staying busy as a mom of 4 but I wouldn’t have it any other way! I believe it’s possible to stay active through all phases of life and it’s something that I’ve practice for myself as I trained before, during, and after pregnancies as well as through injuries. In addition to fitness, I enjoy reading, organizing, spending time with loved ones, and really great music! Educational. My goal for all of my clients is for them not to need me forever. I take the time to teach them how to perform exercises properly, why we may modify certain exercises a certain way, and the importance of mind/muscle connection. I’ve found that when clients can actually feel when their muscles work in certain ways, they are set up for success and can feel more confident in their ability to exercise on their own.